Tag: GOA

GOA (Group of Architects) is an architecture firm based in China. Their pursuit of architectural design is based on the following premise: design is not only for the era in which it exists, it should also be concerned with finding an enduring vitality; creating integrity in architecture that stands the test of time. This creative process relies on the designer’s dual-dimensional construction of space and time. GOA emphasizes the continual integration of architectural ontology and its environment. By paying specific attention to the emersion and interaction between architecture and environment, they seek to stimulate people’s emotional resonance with a poetic experience.  At the same time, they respect the uniqueness and diversity of regional culture and use this as a starting point to trace local cultural connotations. Thus obtaining the ability of a sort of expression that transcends the times and given styles, while realizing the integrity of the building throughout an elongated period. This is also a summary of the practical direction of GOA for over 20 years.

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